Investor information and -rights

Here we inform our investors

Notes on investor rights and relevant investor information

Within the meaning of Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 to facilitate the cross-border marketing of collective investment undertakings and amending Regulations (EU) No 345/2013, (EU) No 346/2013 and (EU) No 1286/2014.

Right to Information:

For detailed product-specific information and advice on the opportunities and risks of the funds, please refer to the current sales prospectuses, the investment conditions, the key investor information and the annual and semi-annual reports, which you can obtain free of charge in German from the contact of IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A. or IPConcept (Switzerland) AG or at These documents are the sole binding basis for the purchase of the funds. IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A. or IPConcept (Switzerland) AG may at any time decide to withdraw any arrangements it may have made for the distribution of Shares of a Fund and/or Classes of Shares of a Fund in a Member State other than its home Member State.

Own representations and explanations on the website are based on the respective assessment of the author at the time of their preparation, also with regard to the current legal and tax situation, which may change at any time without prior notice.

The contents of this document do not constitute a recommendation for action and are not a substitute for individual investment advice from a qualified advisor or the distributor of a fund, nor for individual qualified tax advice. This document has been carefully designed and produced by IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A., however, IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A. does not warrant its timeliness, accuracy or completeness.


IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A. shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the distribution or use of this document or its contents.

Any person wishing to obtain further information on the Fund, including the strategy followed to exercise the Fund's voting rights, the active exercise of shareholders' rights, the principles relating to conflicts of interest, best execution and complaints handling, or who wishes to make a complaint in relation to the operation of the Fund, should contact the Head of Compliance of the Management Company, i.e. IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A., 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Status of all information, representations and explanations: March 30, 2022, unless otherwise stated.


Right to Complain and Collective Recourse:

A summary of your rights to complain can be found in German in the document "Complaint process".

Access to collective redress instruments refers to the rights granted to investors under consumer protection laws, which should be considered on a country-by-country basis.

If the fund is under Luxembourg law:

In the absence of specific legal or regulatory mechanisms, investors should consult the CSSF website at the following link

If the fund is governed by German law:

In the absence of specific legal or regulatory mechanisms, investors should consult the Bafin dispute resolution service available at the following link:;jsessionid=FD48C1AC1976C137D4074E15F0BE7FF7.1_cid501

EU online dispute resolution platform:

In the event of disputes relating to sales contracts or service contracts concluded electronically, consumers can also turn to the EU's online dispute resolution platform ( The following e-mail can be used as the contact address of IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A.:

The platform is not itself a dispute resolution body, but merely puts the parties in contact with a competent national dispute resolution body. The right to appeal to the courts remains unaffected by a dispute resolution procedure.


Right to data protection

Subject to applicable laws, investors may have rights with respect to their personal data. This includes a right to access and rectify their personal data and, in certain circumstances, a right to object to the processing of their personal data. The Privacy Policy is available at

This summary of key rights does not purport to be exhaustive. Unitholders should read the prospectus in full and consult their professional advisors to better understand their rights.

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